Monday, February 29, 2016

Hiding the Open Associated Sub Grid

The Open Associated Sub Grid icon (when clicked) will redirect the user to a page that will display the associated records.
Figure 1) Open Associated Sub Grid icon

There are situations where, we need to prevent the user in disrupting the flow if not needed thus, we need to hide the icon.

The steps below will guide to hide the icon.

  1. Download and import Ribbon Workbench for Dynamics CRM.
  2. Go-to Settings > Solutions
  3. Select RibbonWorkbench2013
  4. Click Ribbon Workbench - It will lunch Ribbon Workbench 
  5. Select the entity where you do not want to show the Open Sub Grid (1) icon
  6. Locate Open Associated Grid View (2)  and Right-clicked.
  7. Select Hide Button (3)
  8. Click Publish
  9. Then refresh the page of your record which display the Associated Sub Grid

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dynamics CRM Search is Not Working

A new field is created. Invoke a universal search for the content of the new field, yet it is not displayed.
Likewise, the search results for related entities are not displayed.
In order to resolve the above issues, Quick Find view must be configured.
This is a step-by-step guide to ensure that the search configuration is complete, and that attributes you want to search is configured as well.
You’ll soon notice that Quick Find view setup is very important.

Searchable Entities

Ensure that the entity is searchable.
  1. Go to Settings > Administration > System Settings.
  2. Under General tab, go to Set up Search group and select Select entities for search.
  3. Ensure that the entity you want to search is in the list and click Ok.
    1. The image below shows the list of default searchable entities.
    2. If your entity is custom, this is a must. 

Entity Field Setup

This is an optional step because Searchable attribute is by default set to Yes. However, it is good practice to check.
  1. Go to Customization, click Customize the System.
  2. Select the entity and click fields.
  3. Double click the name of the field you want to configure. 

Setup the Quick Find View

The universal search is using Quick Find view for each entity it searches, thus we need to configure. We need to setup with this criteria:
  1. Add Find Columns – defines which columns will be searched.
  2. Add View Columns – defines which columns will be displayed.

Setup Add Find Columns

  1. Click view under the entity.
  2. Double click Quick Find Active Accounts.
  3. Click Add Find Columns – ensure that the column you want to search is checked. 
  4. Click Ok.

Setup Add View Find Columns

This is an optional step. The column can be searchable but not doesn’t necessarily need to be displayed. But how can you verify if it is not displayed?
  1. Click Add View Columns
  2. Add Sector field. 
  3. Click Ok.
  4. Publish your changes.


Navigate to the Accounts grid. Invoke a search for sector field.
Three things to note:
  • Sector field is displayed.
  • Sector field contains the search string.
  • If search in the grid does not work, it will not be displayed in the universal search results.
Invoke a universal Search:


Search configuration is a three step configuration (2nd step is optional because it is defaulted in that state, but good to check during debugging).
It is possible for a column to be searchable but not displayed in Quick Find view and opposite.

Decode URL with confidence

Yesterday, while configuring a Unified Service Desk to automatically display a dashboard, I need to obtain the Dashboard GUID. The fi...