Monday, February 10, 2020

Decode URL with confidence

Yesterday, while configuring a Unified Service Desk to automatically display a dashboard, I need to obtain the Dashboard GUID.
The first option was to ‘manually’ analyze the values in the Query String.
But this option is prone to error. Developers may copy less or more than the GUID because of the URL encoding.
To minimize this risk, I found this online tool,

What is URL Decoder

It decodes the encoded URL. It makes it easier for us to view the information.

How does it work?

Just paste the encoded URL (Query String) in the upper box and click Decode.
The decoded result will be shown in the lower box.
From here, I can easily copy (and ensure what I’m copying) is correct.

Decode URL with confidence

Yesterday, while configuring a Unified Service Desk to automatically display a dashboard, I need to obtain the Dashboard GUID. The fi...