Monday, May 18, 2015

Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Business Rule Scope

With the introduction of "entity" in the business rules scope. Developers has now an option to run business rules as server side event during create and save of record.

Other scope limitation is still available for "forms".

This is a good alternative in using Workflows that has limitations (number of workflows per instance) and tends to get messy.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Fields Could Not Be Found

I'm creating a plugin to a new instance and I was stuck in a problem, were a lot of fields (as per the error) are missing. See the figure below.

All fields mentioned in the image above, are OptionSets. The compiler for some reason, could not find the definition of the fields above but when you check the entity, the fields does exist. 
I notice first, that all OptionSet above does not have any value.
Option 1 - since this is a new instance and no value is present in the OptionSet, you can comment the error. However you need to comment again if you need to regenerate a fresh early-bound classes.
Option 2 - assigned at least one value to the OptionSets.
I regenerated the early-bound classes and recompile and all the errors are gone.

I hope this helps.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Additional Instance or Sandbox

I have a project where we are required to have a seperated development instance/sandbox.

The details below will guide you on how to add an additional instance or sandbox to the current Dynamics CRM instance.

How to add a "Sandbox" instance.

1.) Login to "" using O365 account.
2.) Identify your current Dynamics CRM subscription.
-> Click "Purchase Services"
-> Click "view current subscription". See figure  below.

3.) Search your subscription in the list of plans on the same page.
-> Click "Add More". See figure below.

4.) notice that "Additional Non-Production" instance item. See figure below.

5.) You may proceed to add an additional instance or sandbox.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dynamics CRM 2013 - Create Dependent OptionSets (Picklist)

There is a requirement in my project to have 3 tier field dependency where I use the solution discussed in MSDN, click here.

However, despite I followed the exact instructions, my setup did not work.

The issue is in Step 4. My web resource is not loading because I've specified the "filename".

In the Onload event for the form, configure the event handler to call the SDK.DependentOptionSet.init function and pass in the name of the XML web resource as a parameter. Use the field on the Handler Properties dialog box to enter: "sample_TicketDependentOptionSetConfig.xml" into the field Comma separated list of parameters that will be passed to the function.

Instead of using the "filename" [sample_TicketDependentOptionSetConfig.xml], you should use the "name" of the resource i.e. "new_ticketdependentOptionSet".

To check, view the web resource if its loaded in the browsers developers tool.

Decode URL with confidence

Yesterday, while configuring a Unified Service Desk to automatically display a dashboard, I need to obtain the Dashboard GUID. The fi...